Follow the Star Christmas Trail – 20th and 21st December

  • Follow the trail of stars to find our nativity scene, engage with the Christmas story, make a craft to take home
  • Hot chocolate and Christmas snacks
  • See the display of stars made by children in our community.


We will gear the trail activities towards 4-12 year olds. Younger ones are welcome but there will not be specific activities for them.


Gather Community Garden (On path from Bridgemere/Churchdale Road to Wickes/Bookers/Tesco retail park)


Friday 20th December | 3:30-5pm

Saturday 21st December | 10-11:30am

It’s all FREE but donations welcome.

To help us plan, take 30 seconds to fill out our short booking form below

Fill out my online form.

The Big Bridgemere Charity Quiz – November 21st 6pm

You are invited to a ‘Quiz & Supper’ evening at the Bridgemere Centre – 6 to 8:30 pm on 21st November.  This will be a great opportunity to get together, for an evening’s entertainment with a simple meal included.  The quiz will involve teams of up to four – but no need to organise a team ahead of the evening unless you want to.  (More than 4? You can have more than one team. There will be a prize for the highest scoring team and for the runner-up, but the emphasis is mostly on having an enjoyable evening! Click here to reserve a place for yourself or your team. (Children who will be ‘in the team’ are welcome but there will be no other provision for them at this event.)

With Christmas coming up, such a challenging time financially for so many people, we are hoping that this event will help raise funds for Eastbourne Foodbank.  To that end, we are asking for a minimum suggested donation of £5 per person.  Hopefully you’ll agree that’s a bargain!  (Vegan and Gluten F ree will be catered for.)

There are only 50 places available for this event and it has to be first come first served, so if you’re interested do book your place as soon as possible.

Fill out my online form.

Anxiety Unwrapped – A Short Course

This is an opportunity to explore, understand and talk to others about the common issue that we all live with – anxiety. For some of us it feels regularly over whelming, others will encounter it in seasons of stress. You might also be someone who wants to know how to support family or friends who are challenged by anxiety.

This 4 session course will look at how we manage anxiety and the importance faith has in the process. The first 3 dates are:

Evenings – 7.30pm

January 31st
Febuary 14 & 28th

One more to be added

The course will be led by Mark Evetts

Mark has over 18 years experience in Counselling and Therapy. He works with individuals, church groups and training groups such as the CWR course at Waverley Abbey. He is part of the Gather Community Church.

To register your interest in the course please complete the short form below.

Fill out my online form.