A Biblical Understanding of Our Response to Refugees – Gill Caroe

Dave Roberts interviews Gill about the work of Sanctuary in Eastbourne and the practical, legal and emotional care that they offer to people fleeing war, conflict and more. Gill then shares from the Book of Leviticus about the biblical imperative to care for the stranger or foreigner in your midst. This talk is part of an occasional series on foundational truths for our understanding of biblical justice.

Ness Wilson, Pioneer UK leader, challenges us to go to the ‘spaces and places’ where people gather

Ness Wilson is the Pioneer UK Leader. She visited us to film at the Community Garden as part of the preparation for the network conference in March ’23. 5 other church expressions will be filmed for the conference, which will explore how we join in with the mission of God by creating community in the ‘spaces and places’ of our neighbourhoods. Prepare to have your thinking stretched.