Gather Team Attend Pioneer Women Leaders Conference

It was a first for Gather as 3 of our ladies attended the online Women Leaders Conference. Here is a report from from Ruth Kenward.

It was a great day with rich and relevant content for this challenging season.

The opening session, Replenished to Rebuild – was based on Isaiah 43:14-21 – the new thing God is doing: “NOW it springs up; do you not see it?”  It was spot on. We’ve had the rug pulled out from under us, and we need to be refreshed by drinking from HIM, so that we can overflow to others at a time of huge societal need.

The session I attended on communicating via a screen was full of sound practical advice, which we can share with everyone at Gather as so many of us take a turn at preaching.  (I’m a wee bit terrified at the thought of having to watch back video of myself to check my style, but recognise it needs to be done!)

The final session was on resolve and resilience, and we certainly need those things right now.  Ness Wilson introduced us to the idea of a glass cliff (as opposed to glass ceiling), the notion that women often find themselves being recognised as needing to be in leadership during a crisis. The strength of female leadership during the current crisis is certainly evidenced by e.g. Jacinda Adern, Nicola Sturgeon and others.  Ness encouraged us with the parable of the talents, reminding us NOT to bury our gifts!  She said:  “Step up.  Choose growth, which will cause the kingdom to grow.”  And this applies to ALL of us of course.  She also said: “Fear drives us to underestimate ourselves and overestimate the risks. If we cling to our comfort zone we will never do what we’re capable of, and we NEED to replenish so we can rebuild the church, our society and our ravaged communities… We are charged with a God assignment – we need to pick it up, own it and walk in it.”

Inspiring – and confirms that Pioneer is already the rich source of sustenance and support for us that we hoped it would be!