Song of the Week

In keeping with our current teaching theme – Living Hope – here is a a great anthemn of hope roooted in the work of Christ.


Prayer and Praise – with special guests Tom and Suzie Brock

Tom and Suzie have encouraged and taught people from several Eastbourne churches over the years. They regularly advise local churches and national movements. This night of prayer and praise will also include input from them.

It takes place at 7.30pm at Community Wise, Ocklynge Road, Eastbourne BN21 1PY.

Join Gather Collective at the COP26 March and Rally

As most of you will know we are taking part in the COP26 march and rally in Eastbourne on Saturday. Here is some information for those who plan to attend.

The March

This assembles at 12.00 midday in the area around Bankers Corner, on Terminus Road. There will be stewards on hand to help the march form up. We will have TearFund COP26 banners to carry. The march ends at the Wish Tower slopes.

The Rally

This will take place on the Wish Tower slopes and will begin at 2.00pm. We are involved behind the scenes with this. It will probably last for an hour or so. We have a stand promoting the Gather Community Garden.

Praying for Lauren Wilson

This is from Pioneer UK.

Dear Pioneer Friends,

We promised to let you know how people can sign up to be part of 24/7 prayer for Lauren Wilson.

We have created a web page with more information here:

Thanks again for standing with us for a miracle.

With love from the Pioneer UK Core Team

Midday Creation Care Book Club Launched by Gather Collective

Eastbourne community church, the Gather Collective, are inviting people from other churches to participate in a midday fortnightly book club around the themes of creation care, climate change and food topics. The group will meet in person and via Zoom, with the face to face version coming from the Gather Community Garden Quiet Room and the Zoom call being broadcast from there at the same time.

It started on the 20th October from 12.30 -1.30 pm.

Initially it will start with a book called PlanetWise – dare to care for God’s world, written by Dave Bookless, who heads up A Rocha UK, and is also a vicar at a church in Southall, London. It is clear that the issues of climate change, living simply and sustainably, and with less waste, etc are important issues of our time. Especially for those of us who believe that this world belongs to God and He cares about how we treat it.

Here’s a quote from the back of the book:  This is not another book on green issues to make you feel guilty. There is hope. God can take your small and insignificant efforts and multiply them in his great plan, Besides, honouring him, living simply can be an exciting adventure.

There are other recommendations from Ruth Valerio, Elaine Storkey and Nicky Gumbel.

If this is something that would interest you, you can order the book from the Christian resource centre  or via an online retailer. We will begin by reading through the Introduction and Chapter 1 before we meet. There are questions after each chapter that can help us in expressing our thoughts on the day.

What about lunch if you attend in person?
It would be helpful to bring a packed lunch and a flask of something warm, so that we can eat and reflect together from the outset.

How long will it last?
There are 9 relatively short chapters, so it would take 5 weeks (doing 2 chapters per session), meaning that we would finish in mid-December, (meeting every other week).

It would be helpful if you could let them know if this is something you would be up for. You can register your interest here

Speaking Up For Global Health – Gather Collective to Participate in Local COP26 March & Rally


This November, the UK will host the UN climate summit COP26 in Glasgow. Governments of practically every country will come together to make plans for tackling the climate crisis. Decisions made will affect us all – especially those living in poverty who bear the brunt of the climate emergency. Through prayer and action, we can all play our part in making this a significant milestone as we tackle climate change together.

Whether or not you’re in Glasgow during COP26, there are plenty of ways you and your church can get involved. Go to this TearFund page, which will be updated regularly with new events and prayer resources to help you take action.

COP26 is a key focus of Tearfund’s Reboot campaign, aimed at seeing a breakthrough in the climate crisis.

Local churches will be taking part in the Eastbourne March and Rally alongside 28 other groups and organisations from across the political, religious and ideological spectrum.

Among those participating are Gather Collective, an Eastbourne community church. Their Gather Community Garden will be among the stall holders. Dave Roberts, part of our leadership team is urging people to participate and to use the TearFund resources including banners referencing ‘love your global neighbour’ and ‘act justly, love mercy, walk humbly’.

Look out for the bright yellow banners on the day

Delights of The Garden Art Show to be Hosted by Gather Community Garden











Gather Community Garden, an expression of the Gather Collective, an Eastbourne community church, is hosting an art exhibition around the themes of ‘edible’ and ‘the natural enviroment.’ The Delights of the Garden exhibit has been curated by Tempo Arts and Compass Community Arts with input from Amberstone Artists and Blackberry Buzzard. The works will be spread throughout the 7 plot allotment, which is open 6 mornings a week and includes a quiet garden around the theme of Psalm 23.

The 9 day event will launch on Friday 10th of September at 6pm with special guests including MP Caroline Ansell and Deputy Mayor Helen Burton. Refreshments are included.

The exhibition can be viewed from 11am – 4pm on the following days

Friday 10th – Sunday 12th
Friday 17th – Sunday 19th
Friday 24th – Sunday 26th

The Gather Community Garden is part of the Churchdale Allotments, which can be found on the footpath between Churchdale Road and Hammonds Drive. (The path is famous for its chickens – which are part of the Gather Community Garden. Google Maps will take you to the exact place if you search for Gather Community Garden.)

Entrance is Free